Look, Tan, I said, sitting on the pillion as she drove the motorcycle up out of Samui's Chawaeng Beach. This bend is where I came off a motorcycle exactly five years ago. It's very dangerous. Be careful on your way back. On the return trip, despite my bleats of fear, she decided to put some speed on the bike. The camber of the road is wrong, and there is sand all over the place. The passing pick-up truck driver who took us to hospital said it had been a spectactular crash. Tan is mad and bad, and that's probably why I like her so much.

Captain Outrageous has been involved with the ladyboy scene in Thailand for over twenty years.His contacts go well beyond the bar workers and into the colleges, beauty salons, cabaret shows, beauty contests, and just about anywhere else that you find these gorgeous girls.

Many of the models are the Captain's personal friends.